TIDES is committed to creating a conducive ecosystem for entrepreneurship. We encourage individuals, organizations, and alumni to dive into this dynamic ecosystem and pursue their entrepreneurial goals. But how do you get involved with TIDES? This guide will show you the different ways you can join in:


Resource Partner:

  • TIDES offers its cutting-edge labs at a discounted fee to industry leaders, encouraging partnerships with our entrepreneurs. This fosters creativity in startups and gives you access to state-of-the-art facilities and new views.


Tech User:

  • Gain access to our advanced instruments and facilities for your own R&D, contributing to industry advancements. This enables you to leverage cutting-edge equipment and expertise, while benefiting from the vibrant TIDES environment.


Tech Developer:

  • Join forces with our startups in co-developing new technologies. This encourages the exchange of knowledge and ideas, leading to innovative solutions that benefit all parties involved as well as the industry as a whole.


Product Developer:

  • Collaborate with our startups to co-create and commercialize novel products with significant market impact. This allows you to tap into the innovative spirit of startups, while expanding your product portfolio and reaching new markets.

Ecosystem Partner:

  • Join our startup ecosystem as a vital component by offering your services at subsidize rates. This entails offering your expertise, resources, or products at reduced costs, facilitating our startups' growth by minimizing operational expenses and fostering a mutually beneficial partnership.

Deployment Of CSR Funds:

  • Join our startup ecosystem as a vital component by offering your services at subsidize rates. This entails offering your expertise, resources, or products at reduced costs, facilitating our startups' growth by minimizing operational expenses and fostering a mutually beneficial partnership.
  1. Startup Funding
  2. Mentorship and training
  3. Infrastructure and resources
  4. Community outreach

By engaging with TIDES through these CSR initiatives, companies cannot only fulfil their social responsibility but also gain valuable benefits, such as:

  • Brand association with innovation and social impact.
  • Access to a pool of talented and motivated entrepreneurs.
  • Opportunities for early-stage investment and collaboration.
  • Positive impact on the community and environment.
  • For inquiries please contact: TIDES Business Incubator, IIT Roorkee 247667

  • Email:

To Engage with TIDES